
Midlife crisis? Midlife blues? Midlife maybes? Pick any one and it leads to reflection.

Ah… Good old reflection and taking inventory of our lives. Where have you been? Where are you now and where do you want to be? Welp, friends all of those places have value.

You wouldn’t be you without your past; good, bad or ugly. In the here and now you are living your truths obtained from your past and literally creating the future you are looking for, but have not yet reached. Your future is a question mark. It sits there waiting for you to make decisions and overcome obstacles while the universe throws you challenges, curve balls and things unexpected. Your future needs you to navigate all of those things in a manner which will allow you to obtain your goals (which may be ever changing).

If you find yourself in a situation where after taking inventory of your current position, your future goals seem barely visible then it is time to make some changes. As far as I am concerned, that’s A – O.K. As long as you are aware then you are capable of changing your direction. However, if you don’t realize where you have been, where you currently are and where you want to be you will then be what I like to call “stuck.”

Please try to not get “stuck” (although we can expect this to happen from time to time). But, remember life is for living, for changing and experimenting so that you and I can grow to be the very best we can be. Always keep your eye on the prize! ❤
